This week we will be in Isaiah 40 and Psalm 8. Our topic is “The Majesty Of Our Triune God”. I am not sure why my mind went to that topic. But I was praying about the last three sermons I will be doing before I retire on June 2. The majesty of God came to my mind. I have to believe that is where the Holy Spirit lead me. Isaiah 40 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. Here we find phrases like, “Before him all the nations are as nothing”. Isaiah goes on, “with whom, then, will you compare God? To what image will you liken him?” I love Isaiah’s words in verses 22 and 23. “He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth” “He reduces the rulers of this world to nothing”. In verse 28 Isaiah says, “The Lord is the everlasting God”. It is fitting that the writer of words like this would have an encounter with the living, eternal and majestic God in the 6th chapter of Isaiah. Every other entertainment, hobby and amusement that might occupy us in this world pales in comparison to the majesty of God. The Holy Spirit is present with us so that we can “see” the majesty of God by faith. The Holy Spirit is present inside the born again believer to help in worship, prayer and assist us in living the Christian life in this troubled world. One Christian writer said, “The work of the Holy Spirit in the believer is about union and communion”. Union is about connection with God. Communion is about relationship with God. The Holy Spirit wants to “reveal” to us the majesty and wonder of our eternal, sovereign God. Though these terms for God seem distant and unconnected to daily life just the opposite is true. Isaiah reminds us in Isaiah 40:11. “He tends his flock like a shepherd, He gathers the lambs in his arms”. God is also present with us by the Holy Spirit. See you Sunday as we explore “The Majesty Of Our Triune God”.
The last two membership classes will be on May 12 and 19 at 9am in Room 1.
God Bless You
Pastor Drew