Colossians 3:1-4 In our modern world finding our identity is a central concern for people. Often in the past a lot of questions like: “who am I?, Or what should my vocation be?” were answered for people by their circumstance. But today many people find themselves groundless and in search of an identity. In Colossians we see this modern identity crisis answered by the old gospel truths of our union in Jesus’ death and resurrection. In Jesus we have died to our old earthly selves and our old earthly identities. Today, that might be things like material success, sexuality, or societal status. We no longer find an ultimate identity in these, but in Christ in heaven. We have been raised with him and our life, our very existence, is now with him in heaven. Because we are bound for heaven Paul exhorts us to set our mind on heavenly things. Through prayer, scripture, and worship we can directly set our minds on Jesus. We can also invest in our inheritance in heaven.
It is also a great comfort to us that our identity rests securely with Jesus in heaven. While here on earth our life is hidden in Christ. On the outside we might not look like much to others or even to ourselves. But God knows and holds us in his grasp. We can endure suffering and dissonance while we journey on earth trusting in Christ and betting on heaven. We can also look to the promise of Jesus’ returning one day glory and our being glorified alongside him as our resurrection is complete.
Stephen Daniel