“Reliability of God’s Word”

If you missed this last Sunday, John Wetzig shared with the congregation about being Reliable with God’s Word. He used the 5 fingers of the hand to demonsrate the levels of our involvement in studying God’s Word. #1. Hear. Something we all do either at church, on TV, radio, etc. #2. Read. This goes a little deeper, but do we read or just read to get through a passage? #3. Study. This level is even deeper and probably brings back memories of preparing for some school exam, exam for a particular job, career move,etc. I personally never enjoyed having to study. #4. Memorize. This is a much more committed level of getting into God’s Word. It takes time and discipline to reap the rewards of memorization. I like Psalm 119:11. I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.  #5 Meditate.If you are taking the time to memorize, you probably are meditating already   I heard a pastor years ago talk about a quiver. A container that was slung over the shoulder to hold arrows for both offense and defense. The more arrows you have the more prepared you are for life’s challenges. I think we could use arrows as an anology for verses as well.If all we have is John 3:16, that’s only one arrow in our quiver. Yes, it will take time, but the benefits are worth every minute spent.

John Wetzig will be speaking at KCOC this Sunday……….no service (or Live Stream) at the SVBC.

See you there. dm

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