
Happy New Year! We get to start all over. It’s nice to have a fresh start each year, a chance to address the things I wish I had done differently last year. Sometimes we call them “New Years Resolutions”. Unfortunately most of those resolutions will be broken before we get to February. What a to-do!

So what do we do?

There is a difference between “trying” and “training”. If I decide today that I’m going to try and run a marathon, I will certainly fail. I might make it a block or two, but I’ll fail to run a marathon. However, if I say, “I’m going to train to run a marathon (I am NOT going to do that!), then if I make it a block or two, I didn’t fail, because I was training. And if I were to keep training, eventually I might be able to run a (very slow) marathon.

If I approach the new year with “training” in mind, and establish my resolutions with the goal of accomplishing them by December 31, I’ll have a better chance of keeping them. And if I give myself some grace, that I can take a day or two off now and then without considering it a failure, I have a much better chance.

So let’s make 2025 a year of “training”. 1 Timothy 4:7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.

Now go make some resolutions!

Pastor John

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