I have a beautiful piece of art that I’m going to hang in the pastor’s office. It was painted by a dear friend a number of years ago, a picture of a hand reaching out, with the words “Extend Grace”.
Extend Grace! When I consider the grace I have received from our Lord: forgiveness of sins, redemption through the blood of Christ, citizenship in His kingdom, membership in the body of Christ, I am amazed that my heavenly Father would love me enough to extend His grace to me.
But He didn’t give me that grace just to keep to myself. The same grace I have received, I am commanded to extend to others. Grace to put up with differences. Grace to love through difficult times. Grace to forgive offenses. Grace to share in the body of Christ with people that are different than I am. Grace that is abundant and free.
I want to be a pipeline of grace for others this year. I want to slow down and appreciate the grace I’ve received, and then pass it on to others in need of God’s grace.
Pastor John